Defuse Nuclear War Sept. 24-30, 2023 Week of Action

Join the Defuse Nuclear War Coalition in organizing nationwide protests, vigils, demonstrations, and other actions – for diplomacy with Russia and Ukraine; disarming ICBMs; and reinstating ABM, INF and Open Skies treaties — during the week of September 24 – 30, 2023.



Courthouse Square 3rd Street, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Join an ad hoc group of longtime peace activists as we say "No!" to war, nukes, depleted uranium and cluster bombs! Nuclear weapons pose an existential threat to the survival of humanity. Together we can insist of diplomacy and disarmament - not more militarism.


Webinar: War and the Nuclear Threat

Virtual Event Virtual Event

As we gear up for Daniel Ellsberg Week, from June 10-16, we're planning a number of impactful events  which will underscore the significance of peacemaking, global diplomacy, and nuclear disarmament. We invite you to join us for a Virtual Dialogue. Our featured speakers include: Robert Ellsberg, professor and historian; Christian Appy, author and historian; Dr. Assal […]


Protest Minuteman III ICBM Test Launch From Vandenberg SFB!

Vandenberg Middle School 1145 Mountain View Blvd, Vandenberg Space Force Base near Lompoc, United States

Stop testing Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMS) at Vandenberg Space Force Base . The Minuteman III land-based ICBM is found in 400 silos in North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado, and hold real hydrogen bombs.  The test missile carries a dummy warhead that represents a hydrogen bomb. Join us to protest this dreadful test. The […]


Protest Minuteman III ICBM Test Launch from Vandenberg SFB!

Vandenberg Middle School 1145 Mountain View Blvd, Vandenberg Space Force Base near Lompoc, United States

Stop testing Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMS) at Vandenberg Space Force Base . The Minuteman III land based ICBM is found in 400 silos in North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and Colorado, and holds real hydrogen bombs. The test missile carries a dummy warhead that represents a hydrogen bomb. Join us to protest this dreadful test. […]
