September Meeting: National Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This month, we'll be hosting discussions on the recent Democratic and Republican National Conventions and their implications for Korea peace, as well as what the upcoming 2024 elections mean for furthering peace on the Korean peninsula.  


Webinar: Korea Peace Study Group

Virtual Event Virtual Event

John Kim and Johnny Atlas will present their research on several of the United States' presidential candidates, focusing on their positions on Korea, especially on ending the Korean War! We hope you'll join us for this timely topic. Register here.


Monthly Meeting: Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network is part of the global campaign Korea Peace Now! Women Mobilizing to End the War. It launched in 2019 to organize communities in the United States to call for a shift in US policy for lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula. It has chapters across the country in Atlanta, […]
