Webinar: Defeat Biden’s Supplement – Block the Bill! Capitol Calling Party!

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join CODEPINK Congress for our Tuesday, February 20th Capitol Calling Party! Hear productive and peaceful conversations, share resources and take action! Now that the US Senate has shamefully passed a $95 billion gift to the weapons industry, it’s up to the people to stop the war supplemental–a supplement to our $886 billion dollar military budget– from hitting […]


CODEPINK Congress Capitol Calling Party: Solidarity with Campus Protestors!

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Join CODEPINK Congress as we educate, activate and mobilize for peace legislation! This time the peaceful student revolution is being televised at an estimated 200 colleges in the US–others in Britain and Canada–live streaming their demands for universities to disclose, divest and demilitarize their stock holdings in Israel and war profiteers–Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, General […]


Webinar: Palestine to Ukraine – CODEPINK Congress Capitol Calling Party

Virtual Event Virtual Event

While the world shouts “Ceasefire!,” President Biden and Congress send Ukraine weapons to attack inside Russia and risk a nuclear war. While the world shouts “Diplomacy now!”  President Biden and Congress send billions more in weapons for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and chokehold on the occupied West Bank.
