With nuclear often wrongly touted as a ‘clean source’ of electricity generation, an aspect seldom discussed in Britain’s debate about nuclear power is the sourcing of the uranium needed to fuel its reactors. Uranium mining leaves the surrounding environment contaminated and has had devastating health consequences for those, mainly Indigenous peoples, who live and work near these mines.
Join CND and Beyond Nuclear for a webinar exploring these unacceptable harms, where we will hear from experts, and Indigenous campaigners opposing uranium mining where they live – which is often far away from where the power created is consumed.
The list of speakers includes Carletta Tilousi, from the Havasupai Tribal Council – guardians of the Grand Canyon; Bruno Chareyron, Scientific Advisor at CRIIRAD (Commission for Independent Research and Information about RADiation) (see here for report); and Linda Pentz Gunter, Beyond Nuclear.