In a world marked by division and conflict, there is a profound opportunity for the faithful and the faith-driven to make a tangible impact in the pursuit of peace. We are excited to host our upcoming webinar titled “Laudate Deum: The Power of Faith-Based Investor Voice in the Rise of Conflict.” This webinar is not merely a discussion on finance and war:it is a call to action.
Drawing inspiration from the teachings of the Church and the incisive reflections of experts and leaders, we are reminded that the realm of violence and conflict is not beyond the reach of faith. The webinar will unfold this narrative, inviting panelists to delve into the theological underpinnings and moral imperatives that guide faith-based investing.
It will urge a radical reevaluation of our corporate engagements through the lens of faith, asking us to consider not only the returns on investment but the returns on shared integrity, humanity, and peace.