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Vigil, Walk and Fast – Will You Free My Palestine?

Date & Time:

February 14, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm CST



Valentine’s Day Vigil, Walk & Fast – Stop Sending Weapons Around the World & Reinstate UNRWA Funding

12 noon – 30 W Mifflin St, 7th floor – Vigil inside Senator Tammy Baldwin’s office – activists will present a painting made for Senator Baldwin, Sergey Levitskiy will perform pro-peace songs, and the group will make antiwar valentines for Senators Baldwin and Johnson, and Rep Pocan.

12:30 pm – War Abolition Walk with banners and signs from 30 W Mifflin St to Library Mall.

1:00 pm – Vigil at Library Mall offering valentines for people to sign.

1:45 – War Abolition Walk back to Baldwin’s office to deliver more valentines at 2 pm.

On Valentine’s Day, Madison for a World BEYOND War will put love into action during a vigil, walk and fast to call on our government to stop supporting the genocide in Gaza, and to stop supporting all war, which is organized mass murder. This week the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine is holding actions around the state against US funding to Israel and US aggression in the region.

Weds, Feb 14 – Valentine’s Day Vigil, Walk & Fast – Stop Sending Weapons Around the World & Reinstate UNRWA Funding

Background: Yesterday, the Senate approved $95 billion more for weapons to Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan. Senators Bernie Sanders, Peter Welch, and Jeff Merkley voted no, and so did 26 Republican senators, including Ron Johnson. Tammy Baldwin voted yes. Next the bill will come before the House.

See this article yesterday by John Nichols, “I Will Be Damned if I’m Going to Give Another Nickel to the Netanyahu Government.”

From Bernie Sanders – “Netanyahu is starving hundreds of thousands of children. We cannot be complicit in this atrocity.” …”The United States, whether we like it or not, is deeply complicit in what is going on in Gaza right now: Those are our weapons that are killing children in huge numbers, that are destroying homes in huge numbers.” … “This bill provides $10 billion dollars more in U.S. military aid for the Netanyahu government to continue its horrific war against the Palestinian people. That is unconscionable. That is why I will be voting NO.”


Date & Time:

February 14, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm CST


UW Madison Library Mall


728 State Street
Madison, WI United States



Senator Baldwin’s Madison office


30 W Mifflin St, 7th floor
Madison, WI 53704 United States

