The Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a critically important vehicle in the struggle to prevent nuclear war and to create a nuclear weapons-free world.
But it’s not enough!
With the tectonic geopolitical changes and intensifying confrontations between great and lesser nuclear powers and proliferation pressures from Seoul to Tehran, and arms racing with nuclear “modernization”, cyber, AI, and other high-tech weaponry, we respond to the urgency of the moment.
Join us for a unique and uniquely important forum which will feature:
Setsuko Thurlow, Hiroshima Hibakusha and co-recipient of Nobel Peace Prize
Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau
Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation & Mayors for Peace
Molly McGinty, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War
Tom Unterrainer, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament & Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation