Maine’s families are navigating conversations about the tragic scenes in Gaza we’re all seeing on TV news and social media. And kids have an eye for injustice when they see it!
In that spirit, Brunswick Peaceworks, Maine Veterans for Peace, and the Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights’ “Birds of Gaza” Project are convening this exciting event.
At 10 AM, at Congress Square Park near Portland’s Art Museum, there will be a solemn remembrance of all the kids and others who’ve died in the rubble of Gaza.
Bells, incense, and words from an Imam (or Fatah), about the on-going tragedy in Gaza, and perhaps a playing of Roger Waters’ moving song “Under the Rubble.” A long moment of silence for all the departed souls.
And then, like a New Orleans funeral, music plays, and the event turns festive. A families-and-kids’ art-build hums with peace-signs, banners and origami crane production. This accompanied by homegrown music in celebration of love for departed, and love among the living. Materials will be available on-site, or bring some of your own. And please bring your musical instrument, if you play!
At 11, kids, families, dogs, peace-people old and young, musicians and, (possibly) a Bread & Puppet Theater giant puppet or two parade down Congress Street’s sidewalks, with songs, chants and music, to Monument Square, there joining an ongoing swirl of Palestinian music, cooking, poetry and dancing.
At 11:30 or so, after a quick parental intro & possibly a Palestinian poem, small kids and larger teens will line up to take turns at the mic, speaking their hearts to the kids and families trapped in Gaza, and to their shared desire for peace. Hopefully, the press will record the kids’ words and faces. Cell-phone cameras certainly will.
After 12, this celebration of family love, here and in Gaza, will continue with Palestinian food, music, speeches, poetry, and dance, and with folks old and young mixing around Monument Square, saying “Hi!” to each other.
And then, at the closing, another moment of prayer and remembrance.
Hope for a beautiful spring day!
Please spread the word in your community of this family and kid-friendly event!