Building on our last #StandWithGaza Workplace Day of Action which saw thousands of people joining actions in hundreds of workplaces on 7th Feb, the next DoA will coincide with International Women’s Day 2024 on Fri 8 March and will have the theme ‘Solidarity With #PalestinianWomen’.
Women and children have been forced to bear the brunt of Israel’s genocide in Gaza so it’s vital that we highlight their plight on #IWD24. We hope you will join us as the push to take the struggle for justice for Palestine into the workplace continues.
On the day:
Gauge what action that best fits your circumstances:
- Gather outside your workplace for a 30-minute stoppage.
- If this is not possible gather at lunchtime outside your workplace with a Ceasefire Now! banner and posters.
- Organise a lunchtime protest inside your workplace. Find a room you can assemble your colleagues to listen to a speaker from Gaza calling for support and after take a photo of all those gathered with posters etc.
- If you don’t work in an industry that has lunch-breaks as such, find out when most are free after work to meet up to protest outside your workplace.
Let StWC office know what you are organising to do on the day so that we can share with others – email: