NATO is a poster boy for going abroad in search of monsters to destroy. It needlessly squanders vast resources better devoted to invincible self-defense and American prosperity. It is no accident that NATO was followed by the unconstitutional Korean War, the unconstitutional overthrows of Mossadegh in Iran and Arbenz in Guatemala, the unconstitutional Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the unconstitutional secret war in Laos, ad infinitum.
NATO itself evolved into an unconstitutional treaty by a consensus misinterpretation of Article 5 to obligate the United States to defend any member from attack without a congressional declaration of war. Constitutional convention delegate James Wilson explained that a treaty cannot override the Declare War Clause in Article I, section 8, clause 11, an understanding confirmed by the Supreme Court in Reid v. Covert (1957).
We are badly overextended, and David will show that our commitments to NATO and elsewhere are unsustainable by keeping Washington on a permanent war footing. A true America First —indeed, a Constitution First — policy will require a revolution in the way we Americans think about our place in the world. And no true rethinking can begin without the acknowledgment that NATO is the essence of Empire First and we must end the alliance once and for all if we are to become a constitutional Republic again.
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