We invite you to join us at Holloman Air Force Base for SHUT DOWN DRONE WARFARE. Holloman is the largest drone training base in the U.S., which graduates 700+ killer drone pilots and operators every year.
The SDDW organizers are working on many fronts locally to help END THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA.
Our priority at Holloman this year is:
-Putting GAZA front and center in most of our vigils.
-Daily vigils, Mon-Fri, during commute hours, 6:30-8:30am and 3:30-5:30pm; hundreds of cars enter and leave the base daily.
-Educating the young drone recruits and encouraging resistance from within.
-Building and nourishing our SDDW peace community, locally and nationally. We look forward to reuniting our “tribe” again!
-Day of Peaceful Nonviolent Resistance: TBD (Nonviolence Training will be offered)