World Social Forum 2024 Nepal, Kathmandu
“Another World is Possible”
15-19 February 2024
We, the people of the planet, are currently facing an unprecedented environmental crisis coupled with rising inequality, widespread food insecurities, majoritarian violence, after effects of the last pandemic, the threat of a future pandemic, and escalating tensions between major powers. In fact, humanity is on the brink of multi-faceted calamities leading to the destruction of its own survival.
Given that the threat is real and urgent, the ideals of the new world order that rests upon sustainability, dignity, co- existence, equality, and equity must be enacted and actualized. With the pledge of ‘Another world is possible’ the World Social Forum (WSF) emerges as a beacon of hope, more essential than ever before.
Despite the adversities, we believe that change for a just world is possible. The World Social Forum (WSF) will discuss the means of change in Kathmandu, Nepal on February 15th-19th 2024. We invite people around the globe to take part in the World Social Forum.
You can join us either in-person or via online mediums. Your participation will certainly enhance the discourses that will result in a more equal, equitable and sustainable society. Join us in Kathmandu, Nepal, and let’s work to achieve a fairer world. Another world is within our reach.