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2024 World Conference Against A and H Bombs

Date & Time:

August 3, 2024 @ 10:00 am JST - August 9, 2024 @ 1:00 pm JST
The Organizing Committee of the 2024 World Conference against A & H Bombs announced that the World Conference will take place on August 3-9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the theme: “Together with the Hibakusha, let us achieve a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world — for the future of the humankind and our planet”.
This year’s conference, held on the eve of 2025, the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings, has even greater significance for the realization of the Hibakusha’s wish to achieve a world without nuclear weapons in their lifetime. It also aims to mobilize the Japanese public opinion to make the Japanese government sign and ratify the TPNW and take the lead in the abolition of nuclear weapons. We call for your support and participation in the 2024 World Conference. Some of the events will be live streamed.
The provisional schedule is published below. Please refer to the organiser’s website for updates and registration information.

I. Theme and schedule
Main Theme:
With the Hibakusha, Let Us Achieve a Nuclear Weapon-free, Peaceful and Just World – for the Future of the Humankind and Our Planet

Conference Schedule:
August 3 (Sat)
Opening Session, Session I, II and III, International Meeting 
August 4 (Sun)
Closing Session, International Meeting
Opening Plenary,  2024 World Conference – Hiroshima
August 5 (Mon)
Workshops/ Forums/ Field trips
August 6 (Tue)
Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally
August 8 (Thu)
August 9 (Fri)   
Nagasaki Day Rally, 2024 World Conference – Nagasaki

II.  International Meeting, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs
Time:   10:00-19:00, August 3 (Sat): Opening Session, Session I, II and III
10:00-11:00, August 4 (Sun): Closing Session
Venue:  Hiroshima JA Building
Session Themes:
Session I: Making Hibakusha’s voices heard all over the world:
–       Messages of Hibakusha of Hiroshima/Nagasaki (including Korean Hibakusha)
–       Voices of nuclear test victims, researchers and scientists
Session II: Achieving a nuclear weapon-free, peaceful and just world
–       Promoting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
–       Rejecting the use and threat of nuclear weapons; Implementation of the NPT Article VI; Spreading nuclear-weapon-free zones
–       Denouncing nuclear deterrence theory
Session III: Solidarity and joint efforts/movements of civil society
–       Joint actions for promoting the TPNW and creating a nuclear-weapon-free world
–       Solidarity with movements on various agenda (anti-war and for peace; renewable energy and environment; sustainable society; poverty and social gaps; human rights; gender equality, etc)

III. Plenary Meetings/ Workshops (Details to be announced)
Opening Plenary, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs – Hiroshima
Date/Time: 14:00-16:30 (JST), August 4 (Sun)
Venue:  Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center
Format: In-person rally (Online livestreaming by Zoom)

Workshops/Forums on different themes; Field trips; Associated events
Date/Time: 09:30-16:30 (JST), August 5 (Mon)
Venue: Different locations throughout Hiroshima City
Format: In-person meetings only
Closing Plenary/ Hiroshima Day Rally, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs
Date/Time: 10:30-13:00 (JST), August 6 (Tue)
Venue: Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center
Format: In-person rally (Online livestreaming by Zoom)

Nagasaki Day Rally, 2024 World Conference against A and H Bombs
Date & Time: 10:30-13:00 (JST), August 9 (Fri)
Venue: Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium
Format: In-person rally (Online livestreaming by Zoom)



Date & Time:

August 3, 2024 @ 10:00 am JST - August 9, 2024 @ 1:00 pm JST


Green Arena, Hiroshima Sports Center


4-1 Motomachi, Naka-ku
Hiroshima, 730-0011 Japan



Nagasaki Shimin Kaikan Gymnasium


5-1 Uonomachi
Nagasaki, 850-0874 Japan


+81 95-825-1400
